I'm a Software Engineer focusing on the latest web technologies to build scalable applications for the web.
I like solving hard problems. Doing performance optimization is one of my favorite activities.
Besides software development, I also have experience in managing remote development teams. I consider that remote teams can be more efficient compared to co-located teams when proper management techniques are used.
During my career I had chance to work with a lot of technologies (Delphi, PHP, Java, C/C++, Go and others), but currently I only focus on the JavaScript ecosystem.
Technologies I currently like and use in different projects:
JavaScript, TypeScript
WebAssembly, AssemblyScript, Web Workers
React.js, Next.js, Gatsby
Redux, MobX, Redux-Saga, Fluxible
Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Server-side rendering
Electron.js, NW.js
React Native
GraphQL, Apollo
CSS3, SASS, CSS modules, Styled components
Canvas, WebGL, WebAudio, WebSockets, WebRTC
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), Workbox
Chrome Extensions / Firefox Add-ons
Jest, Enzyme, AVA, Puppeteer
Node.js, Deno.js, Express.js, Fastify, Koa.js, Nest.js
Meteor.js, Socket.io, WebSockets
Lambda functions / OpenFaaS / Serverless architecture
Hasura, GraphQL, Apollo
C++ / C - Node.js bindings (Emscripten, WebAssembly, NAN, N-API)
V8 C++ interface
WebRTC - Janus, Kurento
MQTT, RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS
Varnish, HAProxy, Squid
TensorFlow.js, brain.js, ml.js
Business Intelligence: Metabase
Low-code platforms: Retool, Airtable
Parsers: PEG.js, Jison
Embedded Web Technologies: Puppeteer, CEF, Electron, V8
Kubernetes, k3s
Docker, Docker Swarm
Grafana, Prometheus
OpenFaaS, Firecracker, gVisor
CI/CD, Linux server administration
MySQL / MariaDB